
We’ve done a lot of traveling lately with the holidays and the long winter weekends. By traveling I mean riding in the car within a fifty-mile radius of our house. There are many hours to fill when no one’s in school and no one’s at work. Charlie has taken a liking to music over videos in the car (hallelujah) and Paul Simon is our current tuneage…a welcomed reprieve from Baby Einstein. Remember when classical music

A World in Flux (Sunday Thoughts #7)

LUKE 1:57-64 57 When it was time for Elizabeth to have her baby, she gave birth to a son. 58 Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy, and they shared her joy. 59 On the eight day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him after his father Zechariah, 60 but his mother spoke up and said, “No! He is to be called John.”

You Like Me. You Really Like Me.

Cora was sick recently. Cora is never sick. She’s resilient. Charlie gets all the fevers and Jonas gets all the snot, but somehow Cora sails through, like her mama. But she didn’t make it past this one. The fever came, the naps stopped, the coughing started. And suddenly she had morphed into a different child. She wanted to be in my lap ALL THE TIME. I wasn’t complaining. She rarely gets cuddly like this. Normally,

Tribe Magazine and Me

Tribe Magazine’s slogan is “Everything Mom.” Since that’s the title of my life, I am honored to have an article out for them today. If you get a chance and want to laugh at my no-good-very-bad mom day, then please check it out.   UGLY CAKE TEARS Save Save

Aquatic Therapy and Free Money

My birthday falls right at the beginning of December when everyone is still recovering from Thanksgiving and scrambling to check off the Christmas list. No one wants to toss a birthday present in there. June birthdays are the best in my opinion. School’s out, the pool has just opened, and your party can be at the park, pool, zoo…you name it. You’re a hero in June and a villain in December for making mothers drag

Lego Expo Fails and Mall Wins (My Women’s March)

LEGO EXPO. Such promise in that phrase. The parallel syllables. The rhyme. The punch at the end of each word. You can almost see it as a graphic on the big screen before a Vegas Prime Time match. “Lego” slams into “Expo” with an explosion of fists and fireworks. Ladies and gentlemen are you ready! I talked it up big time Saturday morning as we sat on the floor of the living room eating cinnamon

A Mother’s Mission Statement (Sunday Thoughts #6)

LUKE 9:37-40, 42,43 37 The next day, when they came down from the mountain, a large crowd met him. 38 A man from the crowd called out, “Teacher, I beg you to look at my son, for he is my only child. 39 A spirit seizes him and he suddenly screams; it throws him into convulsions so that he foams at the mouth. It scarcely ever leaves him and is destroying him. 40 I begged

7 Speech Activities for Valentine’s Day Using Conversation Hearts featured in Parenting Special Needs Magazine

There are plenty of resources out there for special needs families if you look, but Special Needs Parenting Magazine has always been my favorite because it is both inspirational and practical and not filled with unnecessary medical jargon. I am honored that they have included my article, “7 Speech Activities for Valentine’s Day Using Conversation Hearts”  in this month’s edition. If you are a special needs parent or simply a mom in need of a


Fun fact: December and January are the highest conception months of the year. Not surprising really. Consider the conditions. It’s cold out. There are a lot of parties (planned date nights) that usher you in to all the celebratory moods. And if you’re practical, that equals an August birthday, great for general birthing and recuperating conditions and prime age-placing for school attendance. Of course, this statistic does not really apply to people on my side