Finding Unexpected Moments of Grace in Infertility

Yesterday I had the honor of being featured on Liz Shaw’s website, Bumps to Baby. I talk a lot on here about life AFTER babies. About Charlie and special needs and twins and grace and prayer and stress and tears and laughs and all the other things that go along with motherhood.

I think I have a touch of PTSD from our infertility struggles. It was SO hard for SO long and there were so many potholes in the road that I don’t go back there as often as I should. Because remembering is good. Remembering is honoring where we have been and where we are now. I’ve talked a little bit about feeling like an infertility outsider and and an IVF outsider and a frozen embryo outsider, but if you’re curious about more details, some of the facts and my takeaway for anyone who’s in the midst of this, you can read it here. Blessing on all of you today.

Thanks for letting me Think Out Loud





