Things I’m Digging This Summer

I thought I’d take a minute to share what’s working for us this summer. All the kid stuff, the special needs stuff, and the me stuff (yippee, I count too!). I feel like summer is the season for randomness. At least it is in our house. Eat whatever. Do whatever. Sometimes we need a loosening of routines to know that there are other and maybe better ways for life to function (except bedtime, because you

I’m Kicking My Husband Out on Father’s Day

Sometimes, the best gift you can give is a shove out the door. This guy does so much for our family and he’s probably not even going to take me up on this offer because he’s going to want to spend his Sunday with us, a bunch of crazies. But here’s the proposition (click the picture to read more)… How are you celebrating Father’s Day? Save

The Handy Dad He Didn’t Know He’d Need to Become

I bought this book, “The Handy Dad“, for my husband on his first Father’s Day: “25 awesome projects for dads and kids.” How could I go wrong? I didn’t know just yet the limitations we would face, despite the fact that our first Father’s Day was mere weeks after coming home from the NICU with a preemie son who had undergone a tracheotomy to breathe and would soon need a g-tube to eat. I couldn’t

My Hope for a Friend for My Special Needs Son

“Both my scientific and mothering mind would like to believe it’s an anomaly. A beautiful irregularity of nature’s laws. Somehow, along the line of its birth until now, nature decided to give it a pass — more than a pass, a gold star, for its genus. It’s landed in some specially designated zone of the hierarchy, like the fast-pass lane at the airport.” Click the picture below to read my hopes for my kid (and

Kiddie Pool Digest #2: Into the Deep End

Summer begins when the pools open and the sprinklers turn to life and the hoses shoot arcs over hot sidewalks. Summer and water go together like crackerjacks and baseball. They are compatriots, meant to mingle. The smell of sunscreen, hours in the water, falling asleep warm and tired in a beach towel—this is the stuff kids dream of when they stare out the window at school. And now’s the time. So, dig out the floaties

How to Talk With Your Spouse About Tragedy Before You Talk to the Kids

The world’s not what it used to be. This is the recurrent idiom of every generation since the beginning. However, this time it seems particularly apt. From terrorist attacks in London, Paris, and Brussels to the most recent bombing in Manchester, it’s hard to know how to function as a parent bringing up children in this current roiling political sea, which is why there are articles aplenty on how to talk to your kids about

13 Questions My Kids Ask Me That I Want to Ask Right Back

Sometimes I just want someone else to be the grown up. I want someone else to make dinner (I still miss my meal delivered by friends after giving birth and it’s been years). I want someone else to answer the questions that the kids lob at my from the backseat. Click on the picture to read the 13 questions that my kids ask that I’d REALLY like them to answer in my article for Her

What the Very Young and the Very Old Do for Us in the Middle

What The Very Young and the Very Old Do for Us in the Middle “I love you very very very very very very much,” I say until the words run together into nonsense, until he’s laughing so hard in my ear he finally makes noise. I’ve hit the magic number with the huge and silent and then resounding belly laugh. Very, verys have carried us in ambulances and hospital rooms, where monitor beeps have marked

25 Reasons Why I’m a Better Mother in the Summer

This is the first summer I’ve actually dreaded. Because it’s the first year I’ve experienced all three kids in school (at least a couple days a week). The lack of schedule and outside stimulus freaked me out. Here’s what I found out though…in certain ways, I’m actually a super cool mom in the summertime. Click on the picture to read a few reasons why in my article for Her View From Home. (P.S. #22 is

Kiddie Pool Digest #1: Have a BEE-autiful World Environment Day

Summer is in full swing and to honor the shorter attentions spans of young and old, I’m launching a Summer Series on! What better way to pass the time AND entertain your kids than with videos, songs, and activities that you don’t have to think up yourself? There will be a new one up at the beginning of every week to get you through the hazy days of June and July. To kick it