PTSD and the Special Needs Parent

I don’t talk much about the darkest stuff while Charlie or the twins were in the NICU and so medically fragile. But I should. Because PTSD is a high risk for parents of children in the intensive care. Here is a bit of our story on and some ways to get help if you are or know someone who is dealing with this. Have you ever found yourself experiencing the after-effects of a traumatic

10 Best Road-Tripping Car Games You’ve Never Played

I’m thinking out loud today about how much I dread car rides now that I’m a grown up. I’m over I-Spy and the license plate game. I need some car games that I’m not bored with before we even start. Summer is around the corner and we have enough road trips planned that I’m already haunting Target for cheap distractions. If you’ve got a trip looming, here are 10 games to play in the car

How to Survive Parenting With Your Polar Opposite

I love my husband…but. Marriage is hard. Parenting is harder. But…there are ways to make parenting with your opposite not just doable, but excellent. The two of you might actually be the dynamic duo you envisioned before the kids arrived. Click the picture and read how in my article on Save Save Save

The World Needs Mr. Rogers

Sesame Street taught me how to read. Mr. Rogers taught me how to tie my shoes and be nice to my neighbors. Bill Nye taught me how to destroy our kitchen with science. And Curious George teaches my children to ask questions while Elmo shows them how to count and play nicely with others. I’m thinking we need Mr. Rogers. We need PBS. Click on the picture below for all the reasons why and a

The Special Needs Time Zone

I’m an Adam Sandler fan. Is there a support group for that? I love the oldies like Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore and his ukulele-playing delivery boy in Mixed Nuts. I loved his slightly more sentimental renditions in The Wedding Singer and Spanglish. But one of my favorites is 50 First Dates. Have you seen it? The premise goes as follows: Adam loves Drew Barrymore and Drew loves Adam. But every night when she goes

How to Adapt Egg Hunts for a Child With Special Needs

The Easter egg hunt doesn’t have to feel like an episode of Survivor. The anxiety of the competition, the need for speed, the kids who are in it to win it while you help your child fight for just one egg. If you are the parent of a child with special needs you know what I mean. If you’ve ever had to watch your child come back with an empty basket, here are a few

31 Items to Add to Your “NOT-To-Do” List

We’re busy enough. We don’t need more in our lives…we need less. We need to de-clutter our brains and our task list until both become manageable. In the name of sanity for parents everywhere, here are 31 items for you NOT to worry about in my article on Her View From Home. Just thinking out loud. What’s one item you’d like to add to you NOT-to-do list? Save Save

The 5-Question Kindergarten Readiness Quiz

I’ve got a five-year old. And we’re not going to kindergarten next year. It’s a big statement. But for more reasons than I can list, we need to wait. If you’re a parent who’s on the fence about what to do come next fall…ask yourself these five questions in my article on and see where you land. Are you on the fence? How old were you when you started kindergarten? Save Save

Power in Motherhood: The Advocate

There is power in motherhood. Both the gain and its release. It will call you to give everything and fight for everything all at the same time. That’s why I wrote this piece for Tribe Magazine’s Power in Motherhood Short Story series. I am an advocate and that gives me a strength I could never summon on my own. When have you found strength in unexpected places? Save

The Chicken that Triggered the Baby Train (of Thought)

A chicken made me want to have another baby. It sounds like the opening to a joke. A large portion of my life does. You see, I tutor to help pay the bills and also because I will never quite leave my teacher self behind. I love to geek out to Ken Kesey and thesis statements. I love all my pens in various colors for various purposes. I love the knowledge I get to pass