Top 10 Books on How NOT to Parent

Everybody’s an expert when in comes to parenting. From the woman in the park who tells you your child needs a warmer jacket to the newest parenting book that swears cloth diapers and essential oils are the only way to go. I know you’re not short on advice, so I’m giving you a laugh instead. Here’s my article in magazine sharing my Top 10 Books on How NOT to Parent (new title, via editor’s choice)…  

GIFs for Mom on Valentine’s Day

Because reality is funny and every mom needs a laugh, here’s what a mom’s Valentine’s Day really looks like. My GIFs to you… 5 a.m. When your kids wake up early for no reason. 7 a.m. When you’ve fed and clothed everyone but yourself. 7:15 a.m. When you finally look in the mirror. 8 a.m. When your spouse leaves for work forgetting it’s Valentine’s Day. 11 a.m. When you realize you’re covered in glitter and

How to Be a Kid With Your Kid (and Not Have to Steal Their Coloring Books)

Have you taken a look at kids these days? They’re motoring down the sidewalk in mini BMWs while sipping babyccinos and wearing skinny jeans. Meanwhile, we’re scribbling in adult coloring books in our Ugg booties and Uber-ing it so we don’t have to drive. Sometimes we need to slow it all down and remember our kids are…kids. Take a look at my article in magazine for easy ways to help them reclaim playtime. We all need a

When Life Totals You

The Fishtail Charlie had explosive diarrhea in his car seat and Jody wrecked his car. The two are not linked. Everyone is fine. Charlie is not sick, just a random burst of intestinal activity. Jody is uninjured. It was a solo wreck. Evil Knievel gone wrong. They gave him a huge white pickup truck for his rental. He’s a happy man. But here’s the thing: the car seat and the car are totaled. No amount

A Blogger Thank You

This might be the best Thinking Out Loud yet. Last week I was hired as a permanent writer for Parenting Special Needs magazine and Tribe magazine published my article:  (thanks to feedback I received from you telling me to give that story room to grow).   This week magazine published my article, You can view it here or on my Facebook page. So this is a thank you to all of you for your

FIGHTBACK for Autism

I accidentally came across Fightback for Autism while standing in the middle of a crowded Toys R Us the week after Thanksgiving. Toy stores stress me out. Something about the too bright colors and inanimate objects springing to life when you walk by. This day was no different. I had been on the hunt for a train or Lego table. It was going to be the big Christmas reveal. It was going to be my


We’ve done a lot of traveling lately with the holidays and the long winter weekends. By traveling I mean riding in the car within a fifty-mile radius of our house. There are many hours to fill when no one’s in school and no one’s at work. Charlie has taken a liking to music over videos in the car (hallelujah) and Paul Simon is our current tuneage…a welcomed reprieve from Baby Einstein. Remember when classical music

You Like Me. You Really Like Me.

Cora was sick recently. Cora is never sick. She’s resilient. Charlie gets all the fevers and Jonas gets all the snot, but somehow Cora sails through, like her mama. But she didn’t make it past this one. The fever came, the naps stopped, the coughing started. And suddenly she had morphed into a different child. She wanted to be in my lap ALL THE TIME. I wasn’t complaining. She rarely gets cuddly like this. Normally,

Tribe Magazine and Me

Tribe Magazine’s slogan is “Everything Mom.” Since that’s the title of my life, I am honored to have an article out for them today. If you get a chance and want to laugh at my no-good-very-bad mom day, then please check it out.   UGLY CAKE TEARS Save Save