Why You Need Your Tribe as a Special Needs Parent

We hosted a New Year’s Eve gathering. Sounds fancy, yes? You’re picturing canapes and sparkling wine and bacon-wrapped things and the countdown and shiny dresses. Let me re-phrase. We had two friends over…for lunch. The lunch was pizza and not the fancy kind. This was the kind you find wedged between the nail salon and grocery store. It was one step up from a Hot ‘n Ready from Little Caesar’s. Outings to restaurants with a

I Play Favorites

Last week my mom and I took the kids to Steak ‘n Shake. It was a last minute decision because we had been on a mission to buy a new vacuum as our Christmas tree destroyed the last one (don’t ask). The restaurant was in walking distance from the store and dinner that involves no dishes and not having to load everyone in the car again is a no-brainer. The restaurant was crowded. Charlie was

Why My Child Will Always Need a Haircut

I try. I really do. But haircuts are not my thing. The one time I tried to cut my own hair (FYI never trim your own bangs), I looked like a Lego man whose hair you can pop off…if only. Charlie’s hair is a whole different animal. Take for instance its various textures. The front is relatively straight but tends to lean up and towards the right, like a pompadour. The back is blonder, coarser,

YooCanFind loves Charlie

Just popping in to share that Charlie is featured on YooCanFind.com. This is a great website for people with special needs. It offers support and encouragement for those of us who need to know there are others out there who get it! It is “the first inspirational community for people with disabilities and their families to share stories, buy products and empower one another to do anything.” Hooray for the munchkin! If you want to

15 Winter Activities for Kids (An Insanity Prevention Plan)

The four walls close in quickly when school’s out. The first day feels glorious: no alarm, nowhere to be, no reason to get out of the pajamas. Day two, reality sets in. How long can you color or shape playdough or watch videos or stack Legos before no one likes each other anymore? So in honor of this long road to January’s return to school, I give you my top 15 indoor activities for kids

Pageant Mom

You win some, you lose some. It’s a cliché for a reason. Sports, dating (which is kind of like a sport), cooking (at least for me), and any social event where you have to put yourself “out there” earns this phrase. I get that. I can handle it…when it comes to me. But when it comes to Charlie, anxiety has me tightening my laces when he has to “perform.” Take our most recent neurology appointment

Top 5 Children’s Books that Celebrate Differences

  ELMER by David McKee Perhaps my favorite book of all time, mostly because of the 1970s psychedelic illustrations. Elmer is an elephant who boasts a patchwork of colors. He’s good at making the other elephants laugh, but he’s tired of being different so he paints himself “elephant” colored. But when he returns to the herd he notices that everyone looks sad, so in true Elmer fashion, he shakes them up to make them laugh

A Prayer for Germany in an Apocalyptic World

I was not planning on writing a post today, but I feel the need to send some love and prayers to Germany. Yesterday, a truck crashed into a Berlin Christmas market, killing at least 12 and injuring over 50. As I write, authorities suspect that it was deliberate, but nothing has been confirmed. According to The Guardian, witnesses say it was not an accident. Regardless of intent, people died and others will be spending their

Chevy Chase Got It: The Mixed Bag of Christmas

Chevy Chase could explain it better than me. He’s in the attic in a turban watching footage of Christmases gone by. “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” anyone? Watch his face during that scene. Tears and grimaces. Christmas is a mixed bag for most of us. It carries the weight and joy of the birth of Jesus along with the memories of however many Christmases have passed. Little kid Christmases usually rock. You remember leaving cookies for

The Grinch Stole My Cookies and Other Mishaps

So yesterday I was all set to make adorable cookies for Charlie’s teachers and therapists. I had the house TO MYSELF, which never happens and the list was long for the things I needed to do. Cookies were first up to bat. I had bought plaid bags at Target and I candles from Bath & Body Works with scents like marshmallow fluff and caramel latte to induce hunger and relaxation over the holiday. This is